How Can You Be Helpful When Somebody Is in Jail?
When somebody you love has been arrested, your first instinct is likely to feel some shock. Your next instinct is likely to find the best possible way you can help. After all, being arrested and facing a judge for any kind of charge is sure to be stressful and perhaps even scary. Fortunately, you can take some steps to be helpful for your friend or family member during this time.
Remain Calm
One of the first helpful things you can do for your friend is remain calm. If you are present at the time of the arrest, do not confront the police officers. If you become emotional yourself, you may not be able to provide emotional support, nor will you have the ability to think clearly.
If you do not become emotional when you learn about the arrest, your emotions could present elsewhere. You may feel frustrated as you try to find out information about your loved one. For example, some people feel angry when they call the courthouse or police station and are unable to retrieve new information. Don’t lose your temper and yell at these people, as it could make obtaining information that much more difficult.
Collect As Much Information As Possible
Information is critical while your friend awaits trial, and many people may need information but lack the best way to find it. You can call the police station and sometimes look online to learn more about the charges your loved one faces and the amount they need to post for bail. You can use this information to speak with a bail bond professional about your loved one’s release.
Watch Your Words
If you call the jail to speak with your loved one, ensure you do not say or ask anything that could incriminate either party. Many phone calls to the jail are recorded, and these conversations you thought were private can be used against your loved one in court. If the information can be used against you or your loved one, don’t discuss the case over the phone at all.
The same applies to any letters you write to the jail. You may choose to write to your loved ones because you do not yet have the money to secure bail, for instance. Do not write anything you do not expect a police officer to read. Apply the same standards to any visits in person.
Visit When You Can
Perhaps your loved one will need to spend some time in jail before you can bail them out. If so, look into the policies and laws for that location. Your local jail may offer visiting hours on certain days and times of the week, which will allow you to speak in person and provide some comfort. During the visit, keep conversation light and as easy as you possibly can. Your loved one likely wants to hear about life outside, including your life.
Speak With a Bail Bond Agent
One of the most helpful things you can do as a friend is speak to a bail bond professional. When you bail somebody out of jail, they can go home while they await trial. Bail is helpful because it may allow your friend to resume some routines while they await trial. While out on bail, they can also more easily visit with an attorney to secure a strong criminal defense.
Affordable Bail Bonds is your first spot when you want to bail somebody you love out of jail. We can help you through the process of bailing somebody out of jail, even if this is your first time. Call our office today to meet with one of our bail bonds professionals about your situation and secure bond for your loved one.