Can You Post Bail If You’re Broke?
Being arrested can feel like a nightmare. What’s even worse is if you find that you are unable to post your bail and to get out of jail before your court date. If you are unable to post your own bail due to financial issues, don’t panic. You do have a few options that can help you to post bail.
Appeal to the Judge
First of all, if you already know you are low on funds, bring this to the attention of the judge when you go before him or her to have your court date set.
You will typically be given time to speak. During this time, you can request that your bail be set at a reasonable rate or that you be released without having to post bail.
You don’t have a guarantee that a judge will grant your requests. However, some judges will, often depending on the severity of your crime and any past criminal history. At the very least, it’s worth a try to plead your case to the judge.
Asked Loved Ones to Fundraise
If your bail is already set, and it’s too high, then you’re probably going to have to ask for the help of those on the outside.
If you know that no one in your family or friend group can afford to bail you out, then consider asking someone you trust to set up a fundraiser to help pay for your bail.
Yard sales, online crowd-funding sites, and simple donation drives are all great ideas for raising bail money. You’re most likely to have success with this method if your case is a high-profile one or if you’re being falsely accused of a crime. No matter what, though, if enough people care, the funds can be raised.
Request a Payment Plan
You may be surprised to learn that many bail bonds agents will work with people who can’t afford to pay the full bail amount. Many agencies will allow you to set up a payment plan to pay off your bail. You may have to make a small initial payment and/or have a cosigner, but you can still ultimately get out of jail without paying the full bail amount all at once.
It’s faster and easier to have someone on the outside research bail bonds agents who offer payment plans for you. Once they’ve found someone, you can get in touch with that agent and make the necessary arrangements.
Ask for Church Support
If you regularly attend a church, it can be a wonderful resource to turn to.
Many people are embarrassed to ask their churches for assistance with bail money, but you will benefit if you acknowledge to yourself that everyone makes mistakes and needs help at one point or another.
Churches often have many people who are willing to give, and if everyone gives just a little, you might find that your bail is paid in no time at all.
Ask for Legal Advice
One final resource to try is your lawyer or the legal counsel that has been appointed to you.
Legal professionals often have special connections or know of unique resources that can help you to get your bail lowered or that can make paying your bail possible.
Explain your situation to your lawyer and ask for assistance. Make sure you can explain your lack of financing and clearly show why you need and deserve bail assistance.
As you can see, there are many things you can do to make paying bail possible. If you’re ready to give one of these methods a try or just want to learn more, contact the experts at Affordable Bail Bonds.